If you are an absolute travel enthusiast and you have never been to any of the Asian countries then it is high time you should visit because there are a lot of adventures and diversities waiting for you. We bet that you have heard a lot about the Asian countries and the more you listen to it the more intrigued you will be towards these Nations. Now if you are planning to have a trip in some of the Asian countries soon, then you have to remember the fact that this trip is going to be a bit different than the others. That is the reason why there are numerous things that you need to learn and remember while you are visiting some of the Asian nations so that you do not have any kind of inconvenience over there. Remember that a trip to Asia can be a bit overwhelming and needless to say, exciting as well.
Do not worry as we are here to help you enlist some of the things that you should not miss while preparing yourself up for some of the varied Asian countries.
Strategic tips for preparing yourself before visiting Asian countries
1. Appointment with the travel clinic

If you do not know about these countries then you should schedule an appointment with the travel clinic right away. So that you are up to date with every kind of vaccination and that your immune system is absolutely boosted. This is necessary because of the fact that as the Asian countries are absolutely beautiful and mind-boggling yet they are also a warehouse to a number of diseases. One of the most mandatory vaccinations for Asia Travel is definitely the immunization against Hepatitis B and it takes a lot of time which needs 3 injections consuming a space of over seven-month period. So, if you are planning to have a trip to Asia make sure that you plan at least a year before.
2. Get your travel insurance done

We might sound a bit pessimistic on this note, but you have to understand the essence of having a travel insurance when you are visiting abroad. It is prevalent not only for the Asian countries but for any other country that you might want to visit. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Travel insurance emphasizes the facts that indifferent of what happens, you can always get an assistance and your compensation for the loss caused to you in the most hassle-free manner. Even after taking immunity boost you might fall sick or be injured but having a travel insurance will ensure that you get the best of the medical treatments. After all, it is far cheaper than any health insurance or paying at the hospital just in case you are sick. So, do not forget to get the travel insurance of your entire family done before starting your trip.
3. Learn about the weather and check how it is going to be

In case of the Asian countries, the weather is quite unpredictable and you never know when you can encounter seasonal rains which are quite heavy and even stifling humidity. Such a weather can make your trip really problematic. So, it is always advisable that you do a bit research on the weather of the country that you are going to visit and set the dates when you are planning to leave so that you can choose the ideal time and weather all throughout your trip. Also, make sure that you are not choosing the monsoon season for your trip because it might seem that the prices during the monsoon season are much lower but then it is also of fact that most of the outdoor activities and the fun parts of the trip will be closed down because of bad weather.
4. Check the festival dates and set your time accordingly

Asian countries can be rendered as a second home for numerous festivals and cultures. That is the reason why when you are visiting one of the Asian countries, you should never be missing out on their festivals. It is always good to have an in-depth knowledge of these ceremonies and the exact time when they are held so that you can also plan your trip accordingly. Do not let yourself be frustrated by missing out on some of these festivals and listening from others how great it actually was. Plan the trip in the picture-perfect manner and yourself out by having fun at these festivals.
5. Have a check at your budget

Not all Asian countries are priced equally and that is the reason why you need to have a good look at your budget while planning a trip. As unbelievable as it might sound, but living a single week in Japan can cost you as much as having a month-long trip at some of the cheaper destinations like India or Indonesia. If you have a confined budget then try to shorten your itinerary and pick the best exciting things that you have to do so that you do not miss out on the greatest parts. Also, practice the art of negotiation so that you can save even when you are traveling in a foreign country.
6. Make sure that you have connected to all your banks

This is a really essential thing that you should do before planning a trip to the Asian countries. Call up all your banks and credit card authorities in order to let them know that you will be visiting abroad. That way they will keep your card services intact and without freezing it. If you do not let them know beforehand they might tend to deactivate your cards and even put fraudulent charges against the account when they see transactions from Asian countries popping up. This way you will also not have to carry more cash and you can pay from cards whenever you want.
7. Do the packing in a light manner as possible

Just because you are going to be in a country for long does not mean that you have to pack a lot. In fact, it is always advisable that you do lighter packing so that it is easy for you to carry your backpacks along with you from place to place. Of course, when you are in the ancient country you will buy gifts and souvenirs for your near and dear ones back home and your backpack is individually going to grow and become heavy. So why make it heavy in the first place and suffer from an inevitable backache?
8. Apply for the Visa and know the rules

This is an incredibly important tip that you should be taking care of because it is important to know the visa fees of any country especially the Asian ones. Each and every country have their own set of rules and they can even change it whimsically. While some countries would allow you to have your visa stamped after the arrival at the airport there are certain countries like China where the Americans would need a pre-approved visa pass even before arrival. Make sure that you are carrying your visa beforehand and you are not beating to the last minute to initiate the process.
9. Get a registration done with your state department

In case of any act of mishap, this becomes really handy as your home state can evacuate you from there on an immediate basis. Of course, while having on a trip to the Asian country you will have your itinerary planned. Once you already have that ensure that you are getting registration with the state’s department of your own country. Even in case of political turmoil if there is an outbreak of riots at least your Embassy will be able to locate you if they already know about your itinerary. This is one of the best safety measures that you can take while going to not only an Asian country but any other foreign countries.
10. Language will never be a problem

We know that it is fun when you can say hello in various Asian languages but it is not at all necessary. In fact, you did not bother about language while traveling to any of the Asian countries. This is because English is prevalent all across the globe right now and you will find English speaking people everywhere though not fluently. This will definitely be able to make them understand your needs and requirements and you will be perfectly fine over there.
Now let us take a sneak peek at some of the must-haves that you should be carrying in your bag while planning a trip to any Asian country.
Things that you should be packing in your bag before visiting Asian Countries
1. Deodorant

The Asian countries are mostly hot and humid and you are more than likely to sweat a lot. Of course, you wouldn’t like to smell awful and that is why you need to carry a Deodorant or perfume on your own. Most of the deodorants that you will find in the Asian countries do not contain antiperspirants but are just sticky perfumes which you may not like. There are some others which declared to be antiperspirants but are underarm whitening agents with a bit of perfume. Even if you find the Western deodorants it is bound to be more expensive even if it is of the same brand that you usually use. That is the reason why you would like to carry your own set of deodorants packed right from your home.
2. Sunscreen

Now you might think that why pack sunscreen when you can buy it in the Asian country itself. Well, in most of the Asian countries the local people are more comfortable in using umbrellas and hats instead of sunscreen or sun protective lotion. It is essential that you pack your suitable sunscreen lotion in your bag before leaving for a trip to Asia so that even if you are moving around in scorching heat, your skin can remain undamaged and intact.
3. Insect and mosquito repellent

Asian countries are famous for its diversity in cultures but it is also famous for being a second home to insects like mosquitoes and bugs. In the tropical countries of Asia like India, you can have deadly diseases from insect bites like dengue fever and malaria. Of course, you wouldn’t want to fall sick in the middle of your trip and that is the reason why you need to carry an insect and mosquito repellent so that you can spray it around you and get comfortable sleep. Pack the one that you think will work best because the local ones that you will get in there might not work as suitably as you might want.
4. Passport photos

In some Asian countries, you will definitely be asked for providing one or two passport photos when you are applying for Visa or any other permit. You will also be requiring passport photos when you are applying for a local sim card. Packing in two to three of your passport photos will reduce the hassle and also the expense of clicking photos in the foreign country and will also save a lot of your time.
5. Small Padlock

It is always better to be safe than sorry and you would definitely want to lock in your valuables when you are residing in a hotel or Resort. It is not possible for you to always carry around your backpacks wherever you are traveling and that is why it is advisable that you buy a strong Padlock and attach it with your luggage so that it can remain safe. It is true that now all the budget hotels give you a specific locking system but then carrying your own Padlock will give you an extra sense of security which is always comforting.
6. Tampons

It is an essential need for the Sanitary health of women. If you have been using tampons all your life and sanitary pads seem to be a nightmare to you then it is high time that you started storing tampons. This is because of the fact that in the Asian countries you will not find them in every pharmacy and you will only find them in the malls or departmental stores which is unlikely if you are visiting a remote place. That is the reason why you should have your own stack of tampons packed in your bag in case of emergency.
7. Small compass

You might have a good laugh thinking that in the era of mobile phones and GPS why would you need a compass with you. But you have to remember the fact that if you are in a remote area your mobile phone might get jammed and you might not have any idea about the directions. Therefore, it is always a clever thing to keep a small compass dropped in your bag which can show you the directions whenever they need be. It need not be fancy just a small one will be absolutely effective.
8. US dollars

You will be surprised to know that even during times of economic turmoil no matter in which country you are located, US dollars can serve as a clear source of emergency funds. The dollar is used quite frequently in countries like Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam and, Laos. Along with the converted currency bring a bundle of your US dollar notes as well. You never know when the situation can turn to an emergency and you might as well use them for your survival in the Asian country.
9. Do not forget your daily dose of vitamins

The absolute climate change and the jet lag of your trip to the Asian country can give a jerk to your immune system and bring its quality down. This is the reason why you should be packing a box of essential vitamin capsules in your travel kit so that your body is never deficient of the essential nutrients and it can give the immune system the boost that it requires. Instead of having vitamin supplements you can also try taking the fruit juices which are vitamin rich.
10. Bottled water and smoothies

Remember that the Asian country tap water is absolutely not safe for any foreigner to drink as it might contain many extra minerals that the body might not take positively. Many foreigners have tried and tested tap water from the Asian countries have suffered from severe diarrhea and that is why you need to carry mineral water bottles in your bag. Once you land there you will find mineral water bottles even in the shops and if you want to keep your juices handy try packing fruit smoothies so that you can eat and drink healthy as well.
11. Pack a guidebook of all the places where you will be traveling

The Asian countries are not small areas and even the best of the guides cannot take you down to every level correctly. For example, if you are traveling in one of the remote villages of China or India you will find that there is no Thumb Rule of guidance that you will be provided. Instead, it is always a good thing to carry your own guidebook so that you can follow the directions and reach your destination without any assistance. In most of the places, you are unlikely to find any guide and therefore this step can actually be functional.
12. Rain cover

In many places, the luggage that you will be carrying will be put in the top of ferries and on the roof of the buses where they will be absolutely uncovered. And as we all know the Asian countries have unpredictable rains, and your luggage might be completely soaked with water. In case you want to save them, you would like to drop in waterproof rain cover so that your languages can be unaffected indifferent of where they are placed. Also, if possible, carry a raincoat so that you can also remind right even in the heaviest of rainfall.
13. Medications and first aid

In the Asian countries, you will find an array of medicine shops and pharmacies but the drug that you usually take might not be present there in the exact name. So, it is always a better option to carry an extra pack of your medicines so that in case you run out of the first set you will not have to run to the pharmacy. If that is not possible, try learning the names of the similar kind of medicines present in the country that you are visiting with similar effectivity so that it can serve the purpose effectively. Also, a first aid kit should always be dropped in your bag in case you encounter any sort of injury.
14. Toilet paper and hand sanitizer

For those who have not yet gone to the Asian countries even for once, you might have a hard time believing that sanitization still means washing your genital areas with water. There is hardly any use of toilet paper apart from the high-profile places so you would definitely want to have your own toilet paper rolls packed inside your travel kit. Also, while traveling your hand will touch a
Packing for visiting the Asian countries
In a nutshell, packing for visiting the Asian countries can prove to be a tiresome task even if it is exciting at the same time. But now that you already have a list of things to be prepared for and the list of packing items that are mandatory, you will no longer have to be in a quandary. Start planning as soon as you possibly can and do the packing in a way that there are no loopholes for regret.
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